Human Life is a journey to attain social, political, cultural and financial totality. What we imagine is making of a society based on inclusive democracy which respects difference, equality that enables to treat people equally, sense of justice which eradicates human right violations and mutual fraternity in its every aspect.
Exploitation, oppression and discrimination based on caste, class, gender, language and religion are staking realities of present Indian social scenario. And our nation has a rich heritage on struggles against these discriminatory, exploiting, anti-democratic social practices. Many had fought against the internal as well as external hegemony in the system raising demands for liberty, equality, equal justice and administrative participation, but their dreams are yet to be realized. In spite of the existence of a nation and government purely based on democracy and constitution, inequality, injustice and other forms of discriminations are gaining power. In this scenario we realize that all efforts to create a democratic system completely based on social justice -where liberty and equality are the principle traits – are historic and emergent duty. The mission of this movement is to utilize the workforce and devotion of students, an integral part of the society, for propagation and foundation of following ideals and also for social change. Ultimately, the movement aims at strengthening political union for social justice and quest for a new democracy.
Democracy is a value based system which should exist in political, spiritual, cultural, social as well as personal fields beyond the level of administration. In other words, democracy enables a plenary reconstruction of life. Liberty, participation, justice, availability of resources- these values collectively form democracy (democratic values).
Democracy came to existence with the experience of socially excluded and marginalized people. Democratic experiences in India also evolved through the same modus operandi. It is solely the prolonged struggles for social justice has shaped the present democratic politics in the country. In India caste, religion, wealth, gender, language and region are always been the grounds for exclusion and infliction. Addressing the problems of these discriminatory grounds, we have to enter in to the neo democratic political issues and thus to raise them as politics of social justice.
Movement highlights ideologies like political democracy, social democracy, cultural democracy, economic democracy and understands the endeavors to attain these ideals as our significant responsibility. Inclusive democracy, respect of difference, cultural self-determination, democratic redistribution of resources- these kinds of slogans will be raised and will firmly resist hegemonic politics in all its forms.
Social Justice
The notion of social justice is well understood by the movement in the level of participation of power, position, resource and wealth and alleviation of injustice and violence in their distribution. The roots of social justice evolve from the ideas of liberty and equality. And liberty and equality are themselves expressed through the concepts such as casteless society, freedom to keep self-respect, freedom of faith, gender justice, eradication of economic-regional divides, distribution of resources and administrative participation. Social justice can be imagined through two distinct means- democracy and fraternity. Obviously, the biggest challenge before us is that a large majority of people in the country are deprived of social justice and democracy. Discriminatory practices are prevalent in land like physical capitals and also in education like ideological level. The issue of social justice could only be confronted in a way which democratically addresses different political factors like caste, religion, wealth, gender, and region and so on. Molding of discrimination-less society- that is what the movement stands for.
Citizenry and an administrative system solely based on justice are inevitable factors for social sustainability, formation of a fearless society, intellectual advancement and development of civilization. Fraternity and co-existence -which connects different groups of the society together- is essential for the existence and formation of a social structure where social justice based democracy dawns. We have to cooperate each other for maintaining life, wealth, reputation, belief, privacy, health and education and to respect rights of each. Then only safe relations are formed in a society.
The movement comprehends that two kinds of fraternal relationships in the society are much vital. Firstly, cooperation and coexistence between the victims of justice denial and discrimination on the grounds of caste, religion, gender, region, language, race etc… The idea of unification against hegemonic politics has to be realized refraining from the internal ideological differences for time being (not entirely) and debating on those differences constructively. And as an outcome of these debates, apart from all diversities a mutual understanding should be formed and this should persuade to stand against hegemonic powers for justice and rights of all. Mutual relation based on self-criticism makes this union more meaningful. Along with analyzing the time we are living, incompleteness and contrasts of society, and denial of justice one should have the willingness to evaluate the role played by him and correct himself. This runs relations. Fraternity is a human relation that can enclose both self-criticism and critiquing the other. The fraternal unity of marginalized should create a polemic atmosphere and thus to establish justice.
Secondly, as a human being, it is the fraternal sense persuading to cooperate and assist all human beings in their sufferings and crises. And this fraternity can be briefly defined as social relation that convinces the efforts for the emancipation, advancement and justice of inflicted, oppressed, marginalized people as our duty.
Article 1: Name
The name of the organisation shall be “Fraternity Movement of India” and the name of this Constitution shall be “The Constitution of Fraternity Movement of India”.
Article 2: Aims and Objectives
(A): Aim;
To organize the students and youth for striving towards a socio – political order based on Justice and Fraternity.
(B): Objectives;
1. To prepare for a future democracy which would be founded on equal consideration and mutual regards.
2. To struggle for social dignity, mutual empowerment and equal rights of various social entities in the society.
Article 3: Programme
Organisation shall adopt a working culture based on justice, ethics and values. It shall also envisage democratic and creative means to achieve its aim and objectives. The organisation would be working within the sphere of students and youth only
Article 4: Membership
1. All students and youth who are citizens of India and are between the ages of 16-36 shall be eligible for membership, provided that:
a) They have a commitment to struggle for social justice and endorse the organization’s constitution.
b) They have an ethical commitment to the policies and political objectives of the organization.
2. An organizational term is the validity period of an awarded membership.
3. The Unit President can issue the membership after receiving a fee that is fixed by the organization from time to time.
4. The membership will be monitored by the District President.
Article 5: Structure
The organization shall strive to promote a federal culture in its whole structure.
Article 6: General Council
1. The General Council shall consist of representatives from all states, who shall be elected by members of the respective states.
2. The number of representatives from each state will be decided by the Executive committee according to a fixed ratio in proportion to the members of the state.
3. The ratio can be revised by the Executive committee from time to time.
4. The Secretariat may nominate a maximum of 15 members to the general Council.The existing Executive Committee members will remain as general Council members for the succeeding term.
5. The gap between two subsequent General Council meetings should not exceed 12 months.
6. In request of 30% of its members, the president is obliged to convene the General Council meeting.
Article 6(A): Duties and Responsibilities of the General Council
1. To elect the Executive Committee.
2. To provide necessary recommendations for policy programme of the organization.
3. To approve the report of the term, income - expenditure report and audit of the organization.
4. To approve the Constitutional amendments proposed by the Executive Committee.
Article 7: Executive Committee
1. The Executive committee shall consist of a maximum of 40 members of which 30 will be elected by general council and 10 will be nominated by the newly elected President after due consultation with the elected members.
2. The Executive Committee will be elected by the General Council from amongst its own members.
3. The gap between two subsequent Executive Committee meetings will not be more than 6 months.
4. In request of 30% of its members, the president is obliged to convene the Executive Committee meeting.
Article 7(A): Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
1. To elect the President, General Secretaries and Secretariat.
2. To frame policy and programme for its term considering its priorities at the federal level.
3. To finalize the annual report, budget and audit of the organization.
4. To conduct election for necessary and contingent posts as per the demand of the organization.
Article 8: Secretariat
1. Members other than office bearers may also be nominated to the Secretariat.
2. The Secretariat will be elected by the Executive Committee from amongst its own members.
3. The Secretariat shall be responsible for decision making and execution of the day-to-day affair s of the organization.
Article 9: President
1. President will be the head of the organization.
2. Responsibilities of the President shall include:
a) To lead the day-to-day affairs of the organization.
b) To represent the organization in society and public platforms.
c) Chair the meetings of the Secretariat, Executive Committee and General Council.
d) To convene the meetings of General Council and Executive Committee as and whenever needed.
e) To guide the activities of office bearers.
f) To use the power of Secretariat in emergency situations if necessary. All decisions taken in exercise of such power shall be reported to and approved by the Secretariat at the earliest.
Article 10: General Secretary
The responsibilities of the General Secretary shall include:
1. To look after the structure, internal affairs and discipline as well consolidation of the organization.
2. To supervise all departments of the organization.
3. To arrange for election of the State Executive Committees and the State Presidents as per the Constitution.
4. To look after the office system of the organization.
5. To execute any other responsibilities assigned by the Secretariat.
Article 11: General Secretary (Campus)
1. To head the organizational activities in the campuses.
2. To execute any other responsibilities assigned by the Secretariat.
Article 12: General Secretary (Finance)
1. To monitor the financial matters of the organization.
2. To maintain the income and expenditure account.
3. To raise funds and search the sources of fund.
4. To prepare the Budget and the Auditing of the Organization.
5. To execute any other responsibilities assigned by the Secretariat.
Article 13: State General Council
1. The elected representatives from districts will form the State General Council.
2. The number of State General Council Members from a district will be in proportion to the number strength of members, the proportion will be decided by the State Executive Committee.
3. State Executive Committee members of a tenure will remain as members of State General Council for the succeeding term.
4. The gap between two subsequent meetings of the State General Council will not be more than 12 months.
5. State Secretariat can nominate a Maximum of 10 members to the State General Council.
6. In request of 30% of its members, the state president is obliged to convene the State General Council meeting.
Article 13(A): Responsibilities of State General Council
1. To elect the State Executive Committee.
2. To provide recommendations for organization’s policy formation.
3. To approve the report of the term, income - expenditure report and audit of the organization.
Article 14: State Executive Committee
1. The State Executive committee shall consist of a maximum of 40 members of which 30 will be elected by state general council and 10 will be nominated by the newly elected state President after due consultation with the elected members.
2. The State Executive Committee will be elected by the State General Council from amongst its own members.
3. The gap between two subsequent State Executive Committee meetings will not be more than 6 months.
4. In request of 30% of its members, the state president is obliged to convene the State Executive Committee meeting.
Article 14(A): Responsibilities of the State Executive Committee
1. To elect the State President, State General Secretaries and the State Secretariat.
2. To frame the policy and program for its term considering its priorities at the State level.
3. To finalize the annual report, budget and audit of the organization.
4. To conduct election for necessary and contingent posts as per the demand of the organization.
Article 15: State Secretariat
1. Members other than the office bearers may also be elected to the State Secretariat.
2. The state Secretariat will be elected by the state Executive Committee from amongst its own members.
3. The State Secretariat shall be responsible for decision making and execution of the day-to-day affairs of the organization in the state.
Article 16: State President
1. State President will be the Organization’s head in the state.
2. Responsibilities of the President shall include:
a) Presiding over the day-to-day affairs of the state organization.
b) To represent the organization in society and public platforms.
c) Chairing the meetings of the State Secretariat, State Executive Committee and State General Council.
d) To convene the meetings of state General Council and state Executive Committee as and whenever needed.
e) To guide the activities of office bearers.
f) To use the power of state Secretariat in emergency situations if necessary. All decisions taken in exercise of such power shall be reported to and approved by the state Secretariat at the earliest.
Article 17: State General Secretary
The responsibilities of the State General Secretary shall include:
1. To look after the structure, internal affairs and discipline as well consolidation of the organization in the state.
2. To supervise all departments of the organization in the state.
3. To supervise for election of Office bearers to the lower bodies as per the Constitution.
4. To look after the office system of the organization.
5. To look after any other responsibilities assigned by the State Secretariat.
Article 18: State General Secretary (Campus)
1. To head the organizational activities in the state’s campuses.
2. To look after any other responsibilities assigned by the State Secretariat.
Article 19: State General Secretary (Finance)
1. To monitor financial matters in the state.
2. To maintain the income and expenditure account in the state.
3. To raise funds and search the sources of fund at state level.
4. To prepare the Budget and the Auditing of the Organization in the state.
5. To look after any other responsibilities assigned by the State Secretariat
Article 20: District Committee
1. For the smooth execution of the activities, District Committees can be formed.
2. The District Committee will be elected by the District General Council.
3. The District General Council will be formed by the elected representatives from units.
4. The District President, District General Secretaries and other posts will be elected by the District Committee.
5. To lead the district activities will be the responsibility of District Committee.
Article 21: Unit
1. A unit/campus unit can be formed where at least 5 members of the organization are present.
2. A President and Secretary will be elected by the members of the unit.
3. To lead the unit activities will be the responsibility of the unit.
4. The distribution and renewal of the membership is the duty of units.
Article 22: Constitutional Posts
1. President and three General Secretaries in different constitutional bodies are referred as the constitutional posts. The Executive Committee may elect more office bearers, if necessary.
2. A member can be elected only twice in the same constitutional post.
Article 23: Qualities preferred for Leadership
The house of elections of the organisation should consider the qualities listed below for the elections of its constitutional posts and office bearers. These qualities are duly applicable to be elected to the general councils.
Various social groups, which would be helpful in achieving the aims and objectives of the organization, should have their representation in leadership and constitutional bodies.
1. They should be a member of the organization.
2. They should be active in organizational activities.
3. They should have proper knowledge about principles and policies of the organization.
4. They should have the sense of accountability, responsibility and ethical concerns.
5. They should possess organizational abilities and leadership skills
Article 24: Term of the Organization
The term of the all organizational committees will be of two years, except for the campus unit committee for which it would be one year.
Article 25: Quorum
Quorum for all meetings shall be one third of the strength. A meeting adjourned for lack of quorum, will meet again after convenient gap and due intimation to all members, and there shall be no need of a quorum for this adjourned meeting.
Article 26: Resignation and disciplinary actions
1. Member’s resignation shall be forwarded by the unit President within 15 days to the District President for further action.
2. Unit President can recommend to District President for dismissal or suspension of any member. It can be done by the District President after consultation with District Committee.
3. District President may dismiss a Unit President and Secretary after due consultation with the District Committee.
4. Suspension and dismissal of district office bearers and district committee members can be done by State General secretary after consultation with state secretariat.
5. All disciplinary actions in the lower bodies must be reported to the State General Secretary.
6. The State President would decide over the resignation, suspension and dismissal related to state general council members and state executive members after consultation with the State Secretariat.
7. Resignation, Suspension and Dismissal of the state secretariat members can be done by the State president after consultation with the General Secretaries.
8. Resignation, Suspension and Dismissal of the state president and state general secretaries can be done by General Secretary after consultation with the State Advisory board.
9. Resignation, Suspension and Dismissal of the General Council Members, Executive Committee Members and Secretariat members can be done by the President after consultation with the secretariat.
10. Executive Committee can accept the resignation of the President and General Secretaries.
11. Executive Committee should recommend with 2/3rd majority to the Advisory Board for the removal of the President and General Secretaries.
12. Members who fail to renew their membership for the subsequent term shall not have the right to vote, and if it is repeated in two subsequent terms, they will not remain as members.
13. Members can appeal on any disciplinary actions to the higher body. The President’s decision will be final on any disciplinary actions.
Article 27: Vacancy
1. The Secretariat shall be empowered to allocate temporary responsibilities for any constitutional posts that may fall vacant. The vacancy should be filled within a period of 60 days.
2. The temporarily appointed president will be responsible for maintaining the day-to-day affairs of the organization. Their immediate concern should be to convene the executive committee so as to fill the vacancy.
3. The body which took the decision to suspend/dismiss shall have the power to appoint temporary committees or posts at the place of Suspended/ dismissed committees or posts.
Article 28: Dismissal of Constitutional bodies
1. The General Council may recommend the dismissal of the Executive committee to the Advisory Board. Any such recommendation shall be accepted by the Advisory Board in consultation with the President and General Secretaries.
2. The State General Council may recommend the dismissal of the State Executive Committee to the Secretariat. Any such recommendation shall be accepted by the Secretariat in consultation with the State Advisory Board.
3. The dismissal of the district committee can be decided by the State Executive Committee.
4. The dismissal of the unit/campus unit can be decided by the District Committee in consultation with the State General Secretary.
Article 29: Constitutional Amendments
1. The State Executive Committees may suggest for constitutional amendments if any, to the Executive Committee.
2. After due consultation with all State Executive Committees, the Executive Committee can propose any constitutional amendments to the General Council.
3. The General Council may approve such proposals with 2/3rd majority of the meeting. 50 % of the total strength is mandatory for such a meeting.
Article 30: Finance
1. There shall be established a Fund of the Organization into which all membership fees and subscriptions, contributions, sale proceeds of journals or other publications etc. if any will be deposited. All the expenses shall be met from this Fund.
2. The budget of different levels of the organization will be approved at the beginning of each financial year by the respective committees.
3. The accounts will be audited annually and audit report will be placed before the meeting of the respective Committees for approval.
4. The Auditor of the organization will be appointed by the Executive Committee, while State Auditors will be appointed by State Executive Committee. The State General Secretary or the representative of State General Secretary will Audit the District and Unit Financial report.
Article 31: Advisory Board
There shall be an Advisory Board, at the Central as well as State level, for the purpose of providing guidance, advices and recommendations to the organization.
Article 31(A): The Advisory Board
1. The board will consist of 5 members including the Chairman. Members of the Board will be persons having active interest in the affairs of the organization.
2. The last out-going president shall be a member of the Advisory Board.
3. A term of the Advisory Board will be two years.
4. Present Advisory Board shall have the responsibility to nominate the succeeding Advisory Board members.
5. The Board’s decision will be final in any controversial matter which the organization faces to be solved.
6. The Board will supervise the election of Executive Committee and the President as per the Constitution.In extraordinary exigency, if needed, the Chairman on behalf of the Board shall take decision on an issue and will report to the Board in its next meeting.
7. The Board will consider any issue on demand of the Executive Committee or any issue the Board may feel apt and appropriate to be taken up, discussed and finalised.
8. Any vacancy of the Board will be filled by consultation among the Board members.
Article 31(A): State Advisory Board
1. There will be an Advisory Board at the State level also. The board will consist of 5 members including the chairman.
2. The last out-going state president shall be a member of the state Advisory Board.
3. A term of the state Advisory Board will be two years.
4. Present state Advisory Board shall have the responsibility to nominate the succeeding state Advisory Board members.
5. The State Advisory Board will supervise the election of State Executive Committee and the State President as per the Constitution.
6. The Board’s decision will be arbitrary to the confirmation of the President in any controversial matter which the organization faces to be solved at state level.
7. In extraordinary exigency, if needed, the Chairman on behalf of the Board will take decision on an issue and will report to the Board in its next meeting.
8. The Board will consider any issue on demand of the state Executive Committee or any issue the Board may feel apt and appropriate to be taken up, discussed and finalised.
9. Any vacancy of the Board will be filled by consultation among the Board members.